Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Outdoor Cooking

We have this really nice stainless steel, propane bar-b-cue grill --which we never use. So Judy and I went to Walmart and bought us a small charcoal grill and we have used it for three meals, now. We even had marshmallos (the little soft,white puff balls that melt to a golden brown- if carefully watched). I know I misspelled marshmallows. No, that doesn't look right either. Anyway, it has worked out very nicely for us especially no hot kitchen.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Today, Judy, Heidi and I went and visited Michael. It was a surprise for him. I think it cheered him up. I know it did us. We got him his usual mexican food favorites and Judy took him some of the delicious strawberries we got at Smart and Final yesterday. I'm so happy to say Taylor and Michael got up and went to church on their own!

Skyping is fun. I visited with my nephew Charlie, III, today and also met his wife Mindy, son, Joe and youngest Will. His daughter Sabrina was out shopping with her friends. I haven't seen Charlie since he was about eight years old and he is thirty-seven now! I think this ability we have to visit and talk on the computer is great. I also got to visit with Charlie's dad, Mick, too.

I forgot to say that Michael went out on the bay boating and/or fishing with the scouts but he got seasick. He said he had a lot of fun anyway. Taylor went kayaking with his troop in the morning and then went to the dance at Santee that night. He, too, had a good time. Church and Scouting has been the best thing the boys have done and we have done for them. They have learned so much and had a lot of fun doing it. Michael is looking forward to his birthday in December so he can go to the dances too.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy Birthday, Aunt Connie!

Today is Aunt Connie's 72nd birthday. She is the sweetest aunt in the whole entire world. Happy Birthday dearest aunt. Aunt Connie is on the left and my dear mother is on the right. Aunt Connie is Mom's only living sister.

Jamie was suppose to have surgery this morning. After spending several hours at the hospital this morning, the doctors came to the conclusion that he had a bad ear infection so the surgery had to be post-poned. It was surprising that the doctor did not check his ears during his pre-op!

Monday, June 22, 2009


My brother-in-law, Charlie, keeps telling me to join the 21st century so I did. I'm now on Skype but am not completely sure of how it works. I'll keep you posted. If anyone out there is on it, please let me know.

Jamie had his blood work done this morning and has to go for pre-surgery exam today at 1:15. I am going to go with him. His surgery is tomorrow on his left shoulder. I am praying he doesn't have a difficult time with it like my sister, Debra, did.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day to All You Fathers!

Went to church but left after Sacrament to come home and prepare Jamie a Father's Day dinner before he takes Cody home later. We'll go over and see Larry later. We love you guys!

Judy and I spent the day together as we usually do. We have a lot of fun together. We went out to wish Larry a good day and to check on Abby and Ben (two of Heidi and Larry's dogs). They have not been feeling well. Ben is having ear trouble just like Katie's dog. The doctor has done a culture on the infection to try and find an antibiotic that will work since the ones they have tried have not. Abby got super excited at the party the night before and sucked up too much air and was sick but is doing better now.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Chris' Graduation Party Tonight!

Tonight our family and Chris' friends are getting together for a celebration party for Chris. As I said yesterday, we are all proud of his accomplishment.

Little Mike is off already this morning to earn money. His Dad took him out to Lakeside to clean his Aunt Heidi and Uncle Larry's corral. Well, actually, it isn't their corral -- it is Billy's (the horse) corral! He's doing a great job earning his money for camp.

Taylor is finishing his second week of summer school which is really difficult now because all the other kids are out for summer. I admire his fortitude and am so proud of him when he gets up every morning and rides off on his bike to school, when I know he'd rather be at home, too. It will all be worth it one day, Taylor.

I just talked to my sweet Aunt Connie. I'm afraid that she is going to work herself too hard cleaning house again today. She's so anxious to see Michelle and her family.

I'm taking one book off my "To Read" list and am now reading it. So far, it is an attention keeper and I am enjoying it. It is author: Ken Follett's The Pillar of the Earth. As you can see, I have added a Suduko puzzle- I really enjoy doing them.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Christopher Graduates from Middle School!

Christopher Holt, Congratulations!!! We are all so proud of you. Chris is my third grandson in high school now. They are growing so fast I can hardly keep up with them. Larry will be a junior at West Hills where he will be able to show his brother, Chris, around campus. Taylor will be a
sophmore at Mt. Miguel. Taylor is attending-to his credit-two sessions of summer school. Michael's last day of school is today. He is being promoted to eigth grade and he goes to Chet F. Harritt Middle School in Santee. Cody is being promoted to second grade and he, too, goes to Chet. I am very proud of all my grandsons.

Michael is working very hard to earn his money for Scout Camp and amazingly he is more than half way there already! He as really done a good job and has enjoyed doing it, too.

Today, again, I am reminded how fragile life is and how we should not take one day for granted. I am very sad by news I received today but will take peace in knowing that I will be able to help. I know this sounds very mysterious but is all I am going to say on this.

I have managed to get one thing done today. My dearest aunt, Aunt Connie, in Firth, ID will be 72 years old the 23rd of this month-next Tuesday and I finally ot her birthday present off today. She is my beloved mother's sister and I love her very much.

My cousin, Michelle, who is in the process of leaving Korea with her husband Adam, an army helicopter pilot, and their two daughters Lorea and Alana this week sent me a copy of my blog site in Korean. Quite different, I couldn't read it! Ha ha. It will be great having them back home. They live in Alabama. We'll get to visit when they come to San Diego to see Adam's mother and Michelle's sister, Roxanne. Then they will go to Idaho and pick up my Aunt Connie and return to their home in Alabama. I'm hoping after Aunt's stay in Alabama that she'll come and stay with Judy and I for as long as she wants! We'd love that. My other cousin, Rhonda lives near Boise with her family and hopefully they will all get to visit. I sincerely thank Adam for his service for our country, again; and his family who go and support him. I believe they are due to arrive back in our country on Saturday so, Welcome Home Adam, Michelle, Lorea and Alana and pets!!!!! We love you.