This day, yesterday, was the fourth anniversary of our dear Mother's going to heaven. I didn't write yesterday as I was filled with all the memories I could come up with in my little head. However, my heart is large and there I found many memories that makes me wonder how it's possible that one large heart can hold so much love for my dear mother and not burst from from that love.
Our mother was beautiful inside and outside. She was kind, giving, compassionate, understanding, the best wife to her husband and a mother that always gave unconditional love. She nurtured us when we were babes and she nurtured us when we had babes, and again when our babes had their babes. She was always there. I wondered how life could possibly go on without her, I know it does, because it has. I think the teachings, the example, the love that she taught us by example is what still keeps us going. My mother was one of my rocks. She kept me from losing everything--and I mean everything. Her love, her calmness, her warmth--I still ache to feel her hands rub my hair back from my face or her hand holding my hand or just to hear her reassure me, "It's going to be okay, honey." Mom didn't live long enough to know that what she predicted would come true, but it did. Everything is okay, Mom, and thanks to you I am here to write this for you. I love you with all of my heart and soul and I know that one day we will all be together again and that will be wonderful day. Thank you for being our Mother. You were the best! You are a hard act to follow!
Game 3
2 days ago
Thanks sis, that was beautiful what you wrote about mom. I can't believe its been four years. I miss her so much it hurts.