YIKES!!!!We have termites!!!!! Thank goodness, we don't need to have the house tented, at this point, but the exterminator will he here tomorrow to do the spot extermination. If nothing else, it will buy us some time to save for the tenting. I don't have anything personal against termites, but they have to DIE!!!!! They chose the wrong house for dinner.
Michael has been waiting all week for his computer to come. It was delivered today while he was at school. I put it up and waited for Jamie, Michael and Judy to get home to give it to him. Yesterday, he sat out on the car and waited for the Fed Ex man to come for at least an hour. Anyway, after he got home, he went to his room to do is homework, as he always does, the rest of us set the box outside the door and then knocked on the door and hollered at Michael to answere the door. He came running to the door and, of course, nobody was there, so we told him sometimes Fed Ex and UPS will just set boxes outside the door. He opened the door and to his surprise there was a box!!! Well, he knew it was his and he was delighted. Didn't see him or hear from him for most of the night.
Game 3
4 days ago
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