It feels strange to be writing again. It's been awhile. With everyone not feeling up to par, I just didn't have much to write about. But, everyone is well again and I'm so thankful for that.
Judy had another three day weekend and it was so nice having so much time together. We went out Friday and just fooled around. Went to Sonic and had our usual dollar menu lunch, which is perfect. Saturday, Heidi called and wanted to go on a girl's shopping trip. What fun we had. Heidi got some beautiful clothes and also treated Judy and I. Next, she planned lunch at a French Bistro and the food was wonderful. We also went to Big Lots to start buying the supplies for our Christmas bags we make up at Christmas to give to the Homeless. It's so gratifying but does take a lot of time, money and effort. We have friends that donate and help assemble and distribute. We look forward to doing this every year that we are able to. Any-
way, after all the shopping and lunch, we returned to Heidi and Larry's and to my surprise!!!my son, Larry, wants to take me for my postponed birthday celebration for dinner and banana splits!!! What a day!!! What a family!!! I am blessed...
Sunday, since I am still prone to anxiety and panic attacks around a lot of people, we did not attend Church. It was Stake Conference and I knew there would be a lot of people. Maybe someday it won't bother me to be in those circumstances. Judy made banana bread, oatmeal cookies and we had a late dinner of bar-be-cued chicken and fried potatoes (which were so good because we never have them anymore)! Watched a little television and went to bed.
Game 3
5 days ago
Hey sis, we always have a good time. And with Heidi, its xtra special. LOVE YA....