Judy, Taylor, Ashley and I are suppose to go to the temple tonight. Yet, Taylor and I are still fighting head colds. I'm up to it and I think Taylor will be, too.
Termites, bathroom sink plugged up, kitchen faucet replaced and now kitchen sink plugged up--what next????? Just waiting for the plumber to call. We are going to be on first name basis. If anyone needs a good plumber, strictly for unplugging drains, I know the BEST! Just let me know and I'll tell you.
Talked to Auntie last night and they are leaving on the 2nd of November for sure. They should be here by the 5th or 6th. We're so excited, we just can't hide it!!!
Judy's cough is finally going away. She has had a heck of a time with it. Michael went back to school today. So I'm really thankful that they are feeling better.
Game 3
5 days ago
I love the background by the by. And hope your colds get better!