Got up and went to church. After Judy and Taylor got home we were surprised by a knock on the door. It was our cousins Michelle, Adam, Lorea and Alana! We had a wonderful visit. Adam worked on both computers and got them working much better. Thank you, Adam. Later Judy bar-be-qued (spelling?) hot dogs and hamburgers. It was such a great day. Our visit was such fun. I wish we lived closer but am thankful for the time we do get.
Now, I've got the cute little saying where it shouldn't be---Katie', when are you coming home????
Jamie, Taylor, Michael and I went to the Boy Scout Store and got the rest of the things they need for Scouts. It's a neat store. When we finished we went by Judy's work to take her to lunch but she didn't have enough time so maybe we'll go to dinner. Jamie and Michael are at the doctor now getting Mikes physical for his scout trip. Taylor had summer school so isn't going this summer. I feel bad but his education has to come first.
Game 3
5 days ago
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