This is really Joe, but that is an owl statue, not Debra!! ha-ha-a little humor. Debra was working her bottom off all day preparing food for us and taking care of her grandsons that she wasn't prepared for a photo. They have a beautiful home. I knew it would be beautiful but it was just b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l! Debra has always had that knack--that and cooking! Oh my gosh, what a meal she prepared for us. Ryan and A.J., their grandsons were there but I didn't even get photos of the boys. Duh! It was almost 110 degrees in San Jacinto which I am sure is not uncommon but Debbie and Joe have central air and we didn't even notice it-until we went outside.
Our visit with Michael was wonderful. Just too short. Nevertheless, we had nice conversation and he got all the good things he likes to eat. His face is getting so thin and he is just so handsome. I miss him very much.
We arrived home around 6:00 and Judy and I were both worn out. Judy put a pizza in the oven and we ate and were in bed by 8:00. That itself is not unusual but the fact that we were so tired was. It was a great day.
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