Today, my sister, Judy, made a wonderful dinner. It was just like Thanksgiving! We had turkey, dressing, yams, corn, homemade rolls and a fantastic dessert!!! Judy made Mom's recipe for mayonnaise chocolate cake--the best. Wow, did we feel special. Our cousin, Roxanne joined us and we caught up on all the old news and the new, too. Sister Lynda Designano stopped by to visit as we sat down to eat but we could not convince her to stay for dinner and we certainly had plenty. I really look forward to our next visit and being able to hear all about her mission. She is so dear to us.
We discussed doing some quilting since we have a dozen or more quilt tops that our mother and grandmother have sewn but not put together. Judy also has a bunch of little squares that are left from fleece blankets that she has made in the past. We always try to do something for the homeless people downtown during Christmas time so maybe we can make use (scraps of material and left over squares) (not our family heirlooms) to make them something to keep them warm during the winter. It's so much fun to give to people who really need help and they are always so surprised that someone wants to help them. We've been called angels many times by these people--just for giving them a warm blanket, some food, water, hygiene products and always a little fruit and candy. It makes us feel better than it does them. Judy, Heidi, my friend, Jimmie Carolyn and I usually do this project together but always look for volunteers.
I miss talking to my I wrote to her today. Then, low and behold, I got a phone call from my auntie! All is well!
If anyone out there like spider plants, we have them abundantly and would gladly give you some starts. Just let me know.
Game 3
5 days ago
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