First thing I did today was lock in the cool morning air and so far I have not had to put the air conditioning on. The new double paned windows and all the insulation we have had installed is really helping. We knew it helped during the winter but this is the first summer we have tried it out,--no, no, it is the second...I was in the hospital during the hot, hot spell last year and it was quite nice after I was finally able to come home. I did, however, wash the floor fans and what a difference they make when they are clean!!!! I should clean them more often. I'm off to do ceiling fans, now. Little Mike planted the idea when he cleaned his last night.
Speaking of plants are all doing well. They are growing but nothing on them yet. I suppost I am wanting instant gratification and it just isn't going to happen!!!
Jamie took the boys swimming yesterday and I am sure he'll probably take them again today. I don't know if he'll be going to his sister's house or to the YMCA. Hopefully, not the beach, they always come home sunburned! Jamie and the boys just left and they are going to the YMCA.
Roxanne just came by for a visit. It is really wonderful seeing her. I hope she knows how much we all love her. We had a nice visit.
When Judy gets off work we are going to Kaiser to pick up my new glassses. Gee, I can hardly wait, duh....I wonder how long it will be before I lose or break these?
Game 3
4 days ago
Oh ye, of little faith....I give you two weeks!