The usual household chores kept me occupied during the day until Judy got home. Then we went to Cox Cable to get the HD box for our new television. Judy and I then proceded to do the self installation. We completed that mission successfully and with only one argument!!! We really like out new televison.
Taylor went out looking for a part-time job. He had to Mt. Miguel to get a work permit. Michael rode his new bike and went with him. Cody is here for a few days and it is always fun to have him here with us.
I talked to Uncle Ted and Sandra. Uncle Ted is feeling much better. Talked to Blaine and he sounded good as well. Later, Aunt Connie called me back and she was doing really great--getting ready to make a batch of fudge. We talked about the Christmas plans the family is making and we are so hoping that she will be here with us by then. I know it depends on when Adam can get off to bring her here.
Big Michael has not been feeling well but sounded better last night. Heidi, Larry and the boys are well and Jamie got a call to go have more lab work done as he has a high white count. Poor guy --always something. He still can't use his arm for another five weeks. I wonder how it keeps from freezing up. Gotto go and work on grocery list for the menus for the week and call my sister, Debra.
Game 3
4 days ago
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