Hot today! At least it seems hot to me. Talked to Wally and Aunt Connie. They are both well. Wally just had a birthday (the old lady!) She's a month and a day older than me. I really miss her since she moved to Texas but am happy she got out of here when she did and is so happy in Texas. She has her Mom and daughter and two grandchildren there.
The garden or "pot garden" as opposed to ground garden is still going strong. It's gratifying to watch them grow. Plan on starting some new pots of tomatoes soon.
Still waiting for the surgery date on my knees. I do know that it will be a total knee replacement on the right knee and arthrascopic on the left. I have two torn tendons in that knee and the surgeon can fix that without a replacement. Things are looking better already. I'll just be glad to get it over with and get on with everything. I'm looking forward to going on a bike ride with the boys! Maybe bowl, or golf or who knows??? I've never done either. I'd like to be on the mend before Aunt Connie gets here. Or rather --mended!
Game 3
4 days ago
I think being mended by the time Aunt Connie gets here would be awsome. I am so happy for you that only one knee needs to be replaced. I am still here for you, if you need me.