Today, being Sunday, because I didn't get anything posted last night, we were invited to lunch at the Day's home with a lot of friends from church. It was a delicious lunch and a good time. I had the feeling that I had to be home by 4:00 and had told Taylor that I would be. Later, I found out that my son, Michael's, fiance', Judy, had passed away at 4:00 that day. We knew it was coming but it is so hard. I am so thankful that she is in heaven and not suffering anymore but my heart is broken to depths, that I can't put into words, for my dear son. We are all grieving with him.
Katie called about 2:00 a.m., as I recall, and was in the middle of a horrible asthma attack due to Kimori being "skunked" and Katie's allergic reaction to the fumes. Judy, Taylor and I (Little Michael was not at home) rushed over to help Katie'. We bathed Kimori with a bucket full of tomato sauce, paste, soup, stewed tomatoes--enough to shampoo her twice. She smelled like a nice cold bowl of tomato soup. Taylor said she looked like a pink cow, now. Anyway, after Fabreezing the house and getting Katie' calmed down, bathed and fresh clothes we came home and got a few hours more of sleep. Taylor is going to go over Wednesday and do the carpet for her. It is so difficult to get rid of that horrible stench.
When I spoke to Katie' a little while ago, (today-Monday) she was doing a little better but had a horrible migraine. She was going to go back to sleep. I hope that when she wakes up, she feels a lot better. We love her lots.
Game 3
4 days ago
Thank you so much for all your help and for Judy and Taylor's help as well. I was so grateful knowing I could call on you when in need.