Today we did some more gardening. More herbs, squash, cucumbers,red and yellow peppers, zucchini, and some marigolds to help keep the bugs away.
Luke has been acting strangely. He spends a lot of time in the dark hallway of our laundry room. His behavior is usually when one or more of us is gone but it its definitely upsetting to us. I know he has always suffered from separation disorder but sitting in the dark?
Tomorrow is Michael's birthday and we are going to celebrate with him. Hopefully, we can help cheer him up a bit. They had a nice memorial service for Judy at the hospital and everyone attended from patients to staff to administration. It made Michael feel really good.
Today is Michelle Mattie's birthday. She is my niece from my nephew, Joey and his wife, Angie. They celebrated her party today.
Seth spent the day with Taylor. They all seemed to have a good time.
What lovely plants you have. Did you see any worms???????