Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Sorry, haven't been posting lately. We've all had coughs, sore throats, ear infections, and sinusitis. It goes from one of us to the other and back again but, I believe we are all starting to feel better.

Happy Birthday "shout outs" to Hayley and Ben. Their birthdays were yesterday and although I didn't speak to them, I thought of them. I simply can't believe how fast time is going by. Another year almost gone.

Sunday, Heidi and I went up and visited Michael. He was doing pretty good. We stayed almost the usual amount of time- 40 minutes-after a two hour drive up and a two hour return trip home. Heidi and I enjoyed ourselves and talked about our road trip several years ago, played games and just enjoyed being with each other. Judy was still coughing so she stayed home and went to church. Melissa, the boys mother, has been going to church with us. I know the boys like this. I hope she continues to go with us.

Yesterday, Debra and Joe stopped in for a visit. They were only here for a couple of hours but it was so nice visiting with them. I did worry about them being around all our germs but they didn't seem to be worried.

Every year I do Dr. Mebust's Christmas cards. I'm starting them early this year because I want to be done when Aunt Connie gets here. She called and said Adam is trying to clear it with his commanding officer for departure around the 2nd of November. We are all so excited and can hardly wait to get our arms around our dear aunt.

Roxanne is still planning on moving to Idaho. She's going up around Boise where her sister, my other precious cousins, Rhonda and Darwin, live. I am going to miss her like crazy but I think she will be happy in least I hope that she will be. She will be closer to more of her immediate family.

Judy and I have been working on jewelry for gift giving. Judy is really good at it. I get shaky sometimes but then Judy takes over for me. We hope to do some "Stampin" too. I really love making cards.

I still haven't heard anything about my knee surgeries. I do know the surgeon had a heart attack and is back at work but he had to catch up (which he is close to doing) so it shouldn't be much longer. Hopefully, we'll get our flu shots soon. They suggest waiting until all our other symptoms are gone. Hopefully, that will be soon.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy Birthday to ME!

Today I am 59 years old...WOW, as "Bob" would say. I'm amazed at how fast time has gone by. I started the day off with calls from all my loved ones: Taylor, Little Michael, Jamie, Heidi, Judy, Aunt Connie and Michelle, Debra, Big Michael and Roxanne. Then two "angels" came to the door (Sister Desingano and Sister Joy Prescott) and they sang Happy Birthday to me too! Voices of angels from them and all my family that sang to me. They also brought me delicious cookies and banana bread. Yum! So far, a great start to my day. I am a lucky woman. It's not so bad- looking forward to 60! I thought I was going to have a hard time with that but I'm good!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Cousin Ben

Our cousin, Benjamin (Ben) Jones, was in town over the weekend. He was here with his peers and Professor from BYU presenting an exhibit on subjects concerning primates (because I can't remember the correct terminology). We were fortunate enough to be able to attend the presentation which was held at the Bahia Resort and really learned a lot and enjoyed ourselves tremendously. We don't get to be with Ben a lot so it is a real blessing when the opportunity comes. He is studying to be an E.R. doctor. We met his friends, William and Brad and also had the pleasure of meeting his esteemed Professor. The presentation was one of many and was judged. Winners will be announced later and presentation published.

After we left the Bahia, Heidi, Judy, Ben, Michael and I went to the Mona Lisa for pizza. It's the best pizza in San Diego!! We returned home and, of course, stayed up late -- too late-- visiting. We didn't wake up in time for church! When we did all get up, Ben and Michael had a jam session. Ben played guitar and sang and Michael did "fake" drums. Luke chimed in to the tones of the harmonica. It was good. Ben has a beautiful voice. I could listen to him all day. Later we went to Heidi's and Larry's house to visit and swim. Larry and the boys had gone to Barona to race and didn't get home until late afternoon. They had gone for a long weekend before we even knew that Ben was going to be here. We spent the entire day. We held our own Olympics. Judy, Heidi and I were the judges. The three: Ben, Taylor and Michael kind of balanced out on the amount of gold, silver and bronze medals. We did have to eliminate Michael for two rounds for poor sportsmanship but he bounced right back and was the better for it. Heidi and I went to Taco Bell and she bought "everything on the menu"! It was great...Little Larry talked cars with Ben and showed him his dragster even strapping him in to show him what it feels like to be in the car. I think Ben enjoyed it as much as I know Larry did. Of course, Chris and Michael tried to annoy them but it didn't work. We left Heidi's and stopped at Sonic where Ben treated us to ice cream. After returning home, more visiting but not as late because we knew Ben had to leave early and the boys had to go to school and Judy to work. Brother and Sister Prescott, Sr. came by and Bro. Prescott and Ben gave Judy a Healing Blessing. She still has a horrible cough. The Prescott's are just like family and Ben enjoyed getting to meet and visit with them, too.

Ben has left and already I miss him. He is a special human being and a great cousin. He is so much the product of his father and mother, Blaine and Claudia. Blaine is my uncle but we are very close in age and grew up together so we are more like a brother and sister and I love him and admire him so much. Claudia is a fantastic mother and a great wife and I admire her as well. They have a heck of great son!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


YIKES!!!!We have termites!!!!! Thank goodness, we don't need to have the house tented, at this point, but the exterminator will he here tomorrow to do the spot extermination. If nothing else, it will buy us some time to save for the tenting. I don't have anything personal against termites, but they have to DIE!!!!! They chose the wrong house for dinner.

Michael has been waiting all week for his computer to come. It was delivered today while he was at school. I put it up and waited for Jamie, Michael and Judy to get home to give it to him. Yesterday, he sat out on the car and waited for the Fed Ex man to come for at least an hour. Anyway, after he got home, he went to his room to do is homework, as he always does, the rest of us set the box outside the door and then knocked on the door and hollered at Michael to answere the door. He came running to the door and, of course, nobody was there, so we told him sometimes Fed Ex and UPS will just set boxes outside the door. He opened the door and to his surprise there was a box!!! Well, he knew it was his and he was delighted. Didn't see him or hear from him for most of the night.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

September 15, 2009

This day, yesterday, was the fourth anniversary of our dear Mother's going to heaven. I didn't write yesterday as I was filled with all the memories I could come up with in my little head. However, my heart is large and there I found many memories that makes me wonder how it's possible that one large heart can hold so much love for my dear mother and not burst from from that love.

Our mother was beautiful inside and outside. She was kind, giving, compassionate, understanding, the best wife to her husband and a mother that always gave unconditional love. She nurtured us when we were babes and she nurtured us when we had babes, and again when our babes had their babes. She was always there. I wondered how life could possibly go on without her, I know it does, because it has. I think the teachings, the example, the love that she taught us by example is what still keeps us going. My mother was one of my rocks. She kept me from losing everything--and I mean everything. Her love, her calmness, her warmth--I still ache to feel her hands rub my hair back from my face or her hand holding my hand or just to hear her reassure me, "It's going to be okay, honey." Mom didn't live long enough to know that what she predicted would come true, but it did. Everything is okay, Mom, and thanks to you I am here to write this for you. I love you with all of my heart and soul and I know that one day we will all be together again and that will be wonderful day. Thank you for being our Mother. You were the best! You are a hard act to follow!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Happy Birthday, Katie' Day!!!!!

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Katie',
Happy Birthday to you.....and many more!


Nice are liking school.
Had a cold sandwich supper tonight, tasted good for a change. Larry dropped by after work for a few minutes and it was nice visiting with him, as usual.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Judy got home from work early and she was feeling a little better. We went and bought a few groceries. After dinner we got ready to go to the Scouts Court of Honor. To my surprise, Michael conducted the ceremony and he did a wonderful job!! We were all very proud of him. The boys had asked their mother to attend and she did so that was good, too. Afterwards, we came home and watched America's Got Talent and then went to bed. Taylor is going to Seminary so he has to get up even earlier. I like to get up with him but he actually had to wake me up today.
I'd just like to say that I think Sister Rigging's new Bangs look fantastic on her. She looks so young....maybe we should all cut us some bangs!
My plants have just about had it, as evidenced in the photo above. Haven't decided whether to try again or not.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back to School

What a great morning!!!! The boys seemed eager to get back to school and the morning went off without a hitch. Now, lets hope the rest of the day goes as well.

Sister Desingano and Sister Joy Prescott came by for a visit this morning. It was wonderful spending time with them. They are both such sweet sisters and I could have spent the entire day with them!!!

The boys all got home from school and it was a SUCCESS! They were all happy. Taylor is talking about starting Seminary tomorrow. I hope he is serious. We had a pleasant evening together. Had hot dogs and the rest of Judy's delicious potato salad and baked beans for dinner. An easy dinner for an easy day. Judy is still coughing, I wish she'd go to the doctor. Jamie's back is still really bad, too. He's going to have to take his car in to have the brakes done from now on; his back just can't handle it. Talked to Michael and he is happy that he is back on his job. Heidi, Larry, and the boys had a good day. Cody was really eager to start school until he got to the door then he goat a little nervous. As soon as he saw one of his friends, everything was okay.

The bugs have pretty much had a feast on my veggies--poor things (plants not the darn bugs). I'm not sure if I'm cut out to garden.

Aunt Connie is well. She is still quilting up a storm!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy Labor Day!!!

We bar-be-qued hambergers. Judy made potato salad and we had baked beans. Judy also made cookies and the much requested banana bread. I worked on some crafts and Judy worked on her jewelry making. She is so good at that, too.

Jamie's back is still really painful. He did come out and have dinner with us though. Taylor is getting ready to go back to school and Michael, I think, would just rather not think about it.

Our friends, The Propsners, are having some sad times right now and I just want them to know that we love them and our hearts and prayers are with them, always. I talked to Jimmie today and invited them for dinner. Had hoped they'd be able to make it but turned out otherwise. It was a last minute invitation and she did not commit but we sure missed having them.


Just another easy day...Heidi, Larry and Little Larry came over and we visited for awhile. Judy still not feeling up to par. She did make it to church for sacrament.
Chris and I had fun fooling around and decided to wear each other's earrings. His look better on him and mine look better on me but it was fun. Chris is a great kid and a wonderful grandson, we have a lot of fun together!

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Today we started the day off with a little shopping...mainly, cough syrup for Judy. Jamie went to Heidi's to do his brakes, Taylor went to a birthday party and Michael went bowling with Aunt Heidi and Uncle Larry and the family.

I caught up on my phone calls. Some good and some not so good. But I am caught up anyway and will pray for the best for everyone. Other than that just watched television and had some dinner. Judy did work on some of her jewelry projects (including fixing one of my broken bracelets). I am so blessed to have such a devoted sister. I love her very much.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Friday (Yesterday)

Today, Heidi and Chris came over and we had a lot of fun. Heidi helped me arrange my desk and that was a big help. Later we went to Walmart to return the boys new bikes and get them new ones. Too many mechanical defects just to have Walmart fix them and return them to us. They were only one and two weeks old. Both boys had accidents on them because of mechanical failure. The bike assember at Walmart came out and adjusted everything on both the new bikes, which they didn't do the first time. I bought the warranties, so nobody could touch the bikes except Walmart without invalidating the warranties. Anyway, the man was terrific and did a great job adjusting the bikes.

After we got home, Heidi and I went and got pizzas and we ate and watched the old version of "The Time Machine" with Rod Taylor. He was so handsome in his day. He was great in "The Birds" too. Afterwards I had a sweet tooth and Jamie and Cody went and bought donuts. Boy did they ever buy donuts! They came home with two big boxes!!! They were so good.

I forgot that during the morning, I did get the boys merit badges on their sash. I glued them first thinking it will make it easier to sew them on. Be nice if the glue holds and don't need to sew them but better not take a chance.

Haven't seen Mr. Charlie, II. Judy named the alligator in our patio area. Just as well because he didn't eat the bugs that killed my cherry tomato plant...the other plants are hanging in there but still fighting...

Judy is still not feeling well. I do believe she should see a doctor as she might need an antibiotic but she doesn't think so.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Well, I had a real surprise today. I went out to spray my veggies and as I came into the patio, I spotted a huge lizard- alligator something that I don't want on my patio anyway. He is in the picture. Cody and Michael tried to catch him but he is a leaping lizard and that even surprised them. Cody just came in and said, "It's okay, Gramma, he's in the wall." Oh, that's good--that means he is still on the patio and so now I have to keep the door shut so he doesn't "leap"right into the house.

I also lost my cherry tomato plant. I feel so bad but will go and get another and try again. I think I babied it to death--literally.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Judy is feeling better ( a little). I made ham, scalloped potatoes and veggies for dinner. Of course the kids would rather have a pizza pocket! Not much news today.

Something is eating my veggie plants. My Aunt Connie told me to mix up some Dawn liquid in some water and spray them. The bugs don't like the soap and the soap won't hurt the plants. Supposedly, Auntie says it works really well on roses, too. So I keep my bottle out there and am going to spray them everyday. Whatever is eating them especially likes the pepper plants! I don't like those darn bugs!


Jamie and I went to UPS store and mailed Judy's computer off. I should say Little Mike's computer, now. Then we went to Albertson's and did some shopping. Didn't really do a whole lot today... talked to Aunt Connie and Katie'.

Jamie bought pizza for dinner so that was easy, too.